About Us

The Jaded Jewel Collection was created when I, Sharlyn decided to take all of the knowledge that I've gained working in the Customer Service and Retail industries over the past 27 years, and use it to start my own business, bringing daughters Jade & Jewel along as brand ambassadors. 

With the majority of my working years being spent in retail, 21 years to be exact, I have seen the need now more than ever for clothing that is not only quality but also affordable. I am excited and pleased to share my love of fashion, and to be able to do so while allowing my "JEWELS" to stay within their budget since most items are priced $20 or LESS!

If you're looking for apparel  that is casual, comfy, chic, & affordable, as well as versatile enough to be dressed up or down,  you've come to  the right spot! 

Thanks for stopping by, we're glad you're here!